Score Board
- To submit your fish Email us
- Deadline for entries is 6pm on the last day of each month. Any fish entered after will be counted towards the following month.
Every member of the Dawnbreakers Fishing club can enter fish to our club competition. Multiplier table shows you how many points you get for each species.
Make sure you comply with all competition rules when entering a fish.
- The Club Competition runs from the 1st October to the 31st of May. The big End of Year Prizegiving is in June. This is one of the clubs big highlights not to be missed:

Top 5 Boats on points for the month of January
Boat Name | Points | Entries |
Knot at work | 1192.63 | 15 |
Mareanda | 1189.43 | 15 |
Reel Addiction | 1152.40 | 12 |
Cod of Nations | 1082.73 | 21 |
Here fishy fishy | 888.86 | 13 |
Top 5 Individuals on points for the month of January
Name | Points | Entries | Category | Brad Eggers | 913.05 | 10 | dive | Corey Parsons | 717.80 | 8 | kayak | Karl Puklowski | 645.83 | 7 | boat | Brent Higgs | 591.85 | 6 | boat | Cooper Higgs | 560.55 | 6 | boat |
Top 10 Boats on points for this season
Boat Name | Points | Entries |
Reel Addiction | 6001.03 | 65 |
Sifty Moses | 5166.29 | 79 |
Cod of Nations | 5005.02 | 74 |
Mareanda | 4964.51 | 55 |
Parsons | 4028.59 | 44 |
Here fishy fishy | 3080.97 | 35 |
Knot at work | 2726.87 | 41 |
Kill Time | 2302.05 | 25 |
Jam | 2292.67 | 45 |
Wazza | 1893.38 | 22 |
Top 10 Individuals on points for this season
Name | Points | Entries | Category | Brent Higgs | 3213.28 | 33 | boat | Corey Parsons | 3084.74 | 32 | kayak | Karl Puklowski | 2797.02 | 33 | boat | Kieran Mason | 2197.98 | 26 | boat | Gareth Nicholson | 2184.60 | 22 | land | Brad Eggers | 2082.76 | 26 | land | Andy Brannen | 1853.33 | 23 | boat | Warren Judge | 1763.83 | 20 | boat | Jasper Brannen | 1759.44 | 23 | boat | Lisa Lamb | 1741.35 | 19 | boat |
Fish being entered must have been caught on a rod & reel, spear fishing or diving. All fish caught must be measured on an official NZ Fishing Competition measure. A clear photograph of the fish, correctly placed on the measure, with a date stamp and your current membership card clearly visible.
Mouth Open
If the fish is photographed with an open mouth, the tip of the upper jaw must touch the edge of the L shaped plastic end of the measure |
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Mouth Closed
If the mouth is closed then the tip of either the upper or lower jaw must touch the edge of the L shaped plastic end of the measure. |
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- Place your fish on the measure and take one or more digital photos, date stamped that clearly shows the whole fish on the measure.
- Current membership card must be clearly visible.
- The measure must be placed straight on a flat surface and visible in a way to prove that it is straight and has not been folded.
- Fish must be measured fresh. DO NOT cut the throat or gill your catch before taking the photo.
- Take the photo from above the fish looking down on it rather than from the front or side.
- Get a photo of you with the fish.
- Email your photos to
- All entries are subjected to the weighmasters approval.

There are 2 competition sections. One for juniors under 16 and one for seniors over 16 years old. Then there are 4 categories: Boat, kayak, diving, land. When you enter your fish you let us know if you caught your fish on a boat, kayak, diving or land so we can enter it in to the correct categorie. Big Game fish do not get any points at this stage.
Competition points
The Clubs fishing competition runs from the 1st October to the 31st May each year. During this time you will be able to submit your fish for points. Please make sure you measure your fish correctly. Incorrectly measured fish are not accepted. The measuring system was introduced a few years ago as this will allow you to enter a fish and then release it. This was not possible with weigh in system.
Here is how it works:
- You email your photo to the club at
- Include your name, membership number and the boat the fish was caught on, or say land if caught from shore
- Each fish entered will give you points; points will also be added to the boat the fish was caught on.
- Only the biggest fish of each species will count each month. E.g. you catch 3 snapper and 4 blue cod in the same month, you will only get points for the biggest snapper and for the biggest cod.
- You don’t have to keep track of which is your biggest fish each month; the weigh master will sort this out, just keep sending in the photos.
- Points will also go to the boat the fish is caught on.
- At the end of the year there will be a big prize giving for some of the biggest fish, most points and boat points collected. Categories are male, female and junior; boat, kayak, land, diving.
- Not all fish can be entered. Below is a table that will show you what fish counts and how many points they will get you. The length of the fish in cm will be multiplied with the factor in the table to calculate the points.
Fish | Multiplier | Fish | Multiplier | |||
Albacore Tuna | 1.50 | |||||
Baracuda | 0.35 | Mackrel | 0.35 | |||
Blue Cod | 2.20 | Mao Mao | 2.20 | |||
Blue Moki | 1.70 | Marlin | 0.00 | |||
Blue Nose | 1.40 | Rainbow Trout | 1.80 | |||
Brown Trout | 1.80 | Red Cod | 0.35 | |||
Butterfish | 2.00 | Rig | 1.00 | |||
Crayfish | 2.00 | Salmon | 1.80 | |||
Elephant Fish | 1.40 | Sea Perch | 0.35 | |||
Frost Fish | 0.35 | Skipjack Tuna | 1.50 | |||
Gemfish | 1.00 | Snapper | 3.00 | |||
Groper | 1.10 | Swordfish | 0.00 | |||
Gurnard | 2.20 | Tarakihi | 2.30 | |||
John Dory | 2.00 | Trevally | 2.00 | |||
Kahawai | 1.80 | Trumpeter | 1.40 | |||
Kingfish | 1.00 | Warehou | 1.80 |